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About us
After more than a decade of work in favour of nature and environmental education, Associação BioLiving was born in 2016 in Frossos, Albergaria-a-Velha, aiming to bring “Nature and Education for All” to Portugal and abroad.
BioLiving is an Environmental Non-Governmental Organisation (ENGO) that works mainly to:
- Promote sustainability;
- Encourage environmental citizenship and public participation in the defense of natural values;
- Boosting the social economy;
- Promote inclusion, peace and solidarity, using education, natural resources and nature protection as their trigger;
- Provide monitoring and scientific consultancy in the fields of forest, biodiversity and environmental education;
But essentially to demonstrate that nature belongs to everyone and to all.

What we do
- Nature conservation
- Environmental Training and Education
- Scientific Monitoring and Consultancy
- Social Action and Inclusion