BioFórum is an annual seminar dedicated to the debate of current and relevant topics that aims to gather the opinion of experts, but also the community, resulting in a rich and constructive discussion.
We intend that BioForum also becomes a platform for the dissemination of innovative projects as a networking space, where participants and invited speakers can share experiences and ideas fostering collaborative partnerships and the resolution of common problems.
Since 2017, there have been eight editions dedicated to various topics related to sustainability.
Nature Restoration (2024 Edition)
Nature Restoration (2024 Edition)
Under the motto ‘Nature Restoration: From Law to Action!’, the first day of the conference of the 8th edition of BioFÓRUM was composed of eight talks with perspectives from various geographical scales and a round table with speakers from different sectors - from academia to local authority. The following day, two guided tours were organised to micro-reserves undergoing ecological restoration: Microrreservas Lusitanica (Canelas, Estarreja) and Quinta Ecológica da Moita (Oliveirinha, Aveiro). It was two days of sharing knowledge, experiences and ideas about the key role that the European Nature Restoration Law could play in the sustainable management of our territory.
Environmental Education (2023 Edition)
Active Ageing (2022 Edition)
The 2023 edition had as its theme one of our main areas of activity, and one that is therefore very dear to us: Environmental Education. For two days, we brought together people from different locations, mainly from the North and Centre regions, to learn and share their experience about the importance of learning outside the classroom and in green spaces. Remembering that there are many of us contributing to the same mission, we said goodbye to the event with renewed enthusiasm and new tools to continue along the path of civic education for children and young people in favour of nature conservation.
Active Ageing (2022 Edition)
Sustainable Food (2021 Edition)
In the 2022 edition, the theme emphasised one of the areas we try to work on to achieve social inclusion, Active Ageing. The ‘BioFÓRUM 2022: Seniors in action!’ was a day of sharing knowledge and socialising among people of different ages and from different backgrounds, involving people and entities from the local community and guests from other municipalities and regions in the debate on the importance and good practices of active ageing, in the sense of inclusion and sustainability.
Sustainable Food (2021 Edition)
Volunteering (2020 Edition)
The 2021 edition represents a (shy) return to face-to-face events. The preparations were thought out in detail to ensure the safety of everyone involved, and when the day of the event arrived we couldn't have been more thrilled to be able to welcome our guests up close once again. The theme was ‘Sustainable Food: More Health, More Environment’ and the lectures, debate session and the two workshops gave the opportunity to better understand the problems and share ideas in the search for solutions, with the support of experts in areas such as the ecological food footprint, national and European policies, sustainable nutrition and urban composting (such as bokashi method).
Volunteering (2020 Edition)
Circular Economy (2019 Edition)
In the 2020 edition, the BioForum adapted to the digital medium as a result of the security restrictions for the prevention of COVID-19. As we believe in the importance of promoting partnerships and exchanging knowledge at all times, we ventured into the online format for the first time, with the aim of bringing together organisations and citizens to talk about the importance of volunteering in building a fairer and more resilient community.
Circular Economy (2019 Edition)
Active Citizenship and Sustainability (2018 Edition)
In 2019 the focus was on the concept of Circular Economy, with the participation of projects and initiatives that promote the sustainable use and reuse of different types of materials and products. This edition, besides the usual exchange of experiences, methodologies and knowledge, also included several workshops where the participants had the opportunity to get to know some projects from a practical perspective.
Active Citizenship and Sustainability (2018 Edition)
Volunteering (2020 Edition)
In the 2018 edition, the forum focused on the theme of Active Citizenship and Sustainability, with inspiring associative projects with high environmental and/or social impact. A wide variety of impactful projects were presented as a way to show the participants the importance and relevance of promoting active citizenship and sustainability in close collaboration with local communities. Besides, the sharing of knowledge and different best-practises amongst the different projects and entities was one of the highlights of the day.
Sustainable Forest Management (2017 Edition)
Circular Economy (2019 Edition)
The first edition of the BioFórum, in 2017, was dedicated to Sustainable Forest Management, addressing challenges and opportunities for the Portuguese forests. Besides discussing the current challenges of our forests, presented by forestry enterprises and research units, a great diversity of projects were presented that demonstrated the interconnection of forests and the civil society, the educational perspective, new and innovating alternatives of forestry products and ultimately, the cultural aspects.