Associação BioLiving approves European project “Back2Basics”.
"Back2Basics", coordinated by the University of Aveiro and with partners in Spain and Greece, aims to bring the higher education system closer to the needs of the labor market, through the improvement of digital skills, both for teachers and students.
Teachers will be trained to teach by using techniques and software currently required in the various work areas, in a logic of continuous training, and students will learn to use these same tools, but still in a cyber-security context and in the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in managing work schedules and personal organization.

The project will end in 2024 and, until then, it is intended to:
organize training courses for university professors and students and events for the dissemination of results;
produce various guides and informative videos;
implement a pilot program at the two partner universities of the project (University of Aveiro and University of Macedonia).
The consortium is completed with Associação BioLiving representing the labor needs of the third sector and GRI – Gabinete de Recolocación Industrial, an agency for selecting and allocating workers, representing the corporate system.
"Back2Basics" project is co-funded by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ program (2021-1-PT01-KA220-HED-000023543).
About BioLiving:
Associação BioLiving is an Environmental Non-Governmental Organisation (ONGA) whose work focuses on four areas of activity:
🌱 Nature Conservation;
🌱 Environmental Education and Training;
🌱 Scientific and Technical Consultancy;
🌱 Social Action and Inclusion.
After more than a decade of work in favour of nature and environmental education, BioLiving was born in 2016 in Frossos, Albergaria-a-Velha, with the aim of bringing ‘Nature and Education for All’ to Portugal and abroad.